When your electrical panel gives off a burning smell, it is time to take serious action. When our family lives in a home where this problem dwells, it is our job as homeowners to ensure that everyone in our home is safe and out of harms way. We would hate for an electrical fire to break out on the account of our irresponsibility. When we smell burning coming from our electrical panel, guess what? It may be time to replace it. We must call our local electrician asap!
The first course of action in the event of a burning smell coming from our electrical panel is to turn off and unplug all of our electrical equipment in the home. Do not take this lightly. There have been 51,000 electrical fires reported every year with over 500 deaths and 1,400 injuries as a result. Do not procrastinate when it comes to this matter, act immediately. After turning off and unplugging all of your electrical equipment, turn off the main power supply and call your local electrician.
The reasons behind the burning smell coming from your circuit breaker is because of one or two of the following things.
1) The wires - during a wire current overload occurrence, the wire insulation will burn
2) Bad circuit breaker - the circuit breaker may not trip, as suppose, during a current overload causing the circuit breaker to melt
Both of these problems are severe and can cause a home fire if not attended to immediately. A reason behind wire overloads and bad circuit breakers can simply be due to the age of the panel. Circuit panels are usually useful for about 25 - 40 years. You should also have your circuit breaker tested periodically by a licensed electrician.
If your electrical panel smells likes it is burning, call your local licensed technician right now! Electrical House fires happen in America often and only if some of these victims had called their local electrician soon enough they could've prevented the dangers. Never take any unusual matters with your electrical panel lightly, always act immediately.
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