Be Careful Downloading Links From Hirewriters

As a writer for, we can suddenly become over-motivated by all of the work offered by the Hirewriter employers, so over-motivated that we may naively accept any and every job that we think that we can do per our experiences. Well, I have some news for you: some of those employers are the bad guys who are itching to hack your computer and steal all of your valuable information. does however have many honest employers who are honestly looking for writers to help out with their blog or website, but there are also hackers included who are looking for the opportunity to take over your computer with viruses and they will do it at the expense of investing money into

My fellow internet writer, I advise you to not click on any links requested by employers at Hirewriters in order to complete a job. If you ever have an employer who says that you have to click on a link in order to get the instructions, or click a link to get the rest of the components to a job, go the other way, chances are, it is a hacker looking to get into your computer and still your information.

I thought is was wise to share this information with all Hirewriters' writers, so that you do not become a victim of this crime and continue to make money versus taking losses from having your credit card or Paypal information stolen. You deserve to write if you can write and nothing should stand in your way in receiving and keeping the online income that you've worked your butt off to get!

Thank You for Reading!
