That's a great question! I was once lost and in the dark on this question, but I did my research and found out the answer. What Does a County Executive Do?
Well, in order to become a County Executive, you must have a firm grasp on the understanding of a county government and you would have to know how to manage. If you fail in any one of these categories, you can hang up even thinking about becoming a County Executive. County Executives will have to manage the county finances; manage the counties departments, services, projects and programs; Represent the county during county councils and county commission meetings and carry out the voting advantages of the council.
Managing County Finances
The County Executive will determine how much money is allocated per county department, projects or programs. If the money needed isn't quite available, it is the responsibility of the County Executive to find a way to accumulate the money necessary. The County Executive would establish a yearly budget based on [ mainly] property tax revenue.
Managing the County Departments
The County Executive sets the policies, objectives, goals and standards for the county departments [Sheriff's, County Roads, Parks, Tax Collector's Office, Etc.]. They will hire, fire and guide managers of such departments as needed. They are also responsible for setting salaries and giving raises. The County Executive must have a viable plan in order to best lead the county departments towards successfully productive outcomes on a regular basis.
Representing the County During County Councils and County Commission Meetings
The County Executive would guide and recommend to best provide their input on matters concerning the state of the county. They do not have a right to vote on any matters, but can provide details [reports] to best help the council make the better decisions. The County Executive is definitely a huge influence when it comes to the county council's voting advantages.
Carrying out the Voting Advantages of the Council
Once a County Council is firm on a voting decision, the County Executive must carry out their decision, whether its through a general agreement or an authoritative order. The council would vote on matters concerning the departments of the county [Sheriff's, County Roads, Parks, Tax Collector's Office, Etc.] to best ensure that the county is sufficient as needed when it comes to particular elements. It is the County Executive's responsibility to put the council's final decisions into action.
Ok, so after my research, I decided to write up this article on my blog to share with the world. I thought that if I was in the dark about this matter so are many other people! So, learn, learn, learn non-stop and congratulations on now knowing what a County Executive does for a living!
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