How to Handle Stress by Jason Dickson

Stress can hit us like a Mack truck and if we do not properly attend to the effects as needed we can fall victim to serious outcomes as a result. Stress leads to sleeping problems, digestion problems, heart disease, reproductive problems, memory problems, aging and many others. Instead of becoming a statistic of stress effects, do something about it by applying any one of the  methods listed in this article after experiencing a stressful occurrence. Definitely a great recommendation for a spouse whose job has taken a major toll on their life. These methods will definitely help put you and your loved one in a better state of ease. 

Before we get into the list, we will first recognize the signs of being stressed, because we may be in the dark on this and need a little assistance. I mean, we all aren't doctors and we all make mistakes and overlook certain symptoms that we shouldn't overlook. 

How do we know that we are stressed
* Maybe we have a hard time concentrating
* We may be making poor judgement
* We may even have racing thoughts
* Diarrhea
* Seeing the negative in everything
* Sex drive is loss
* Unhappiness
* Isolation
* Eating more or less
* Withdrawing from others
* Nervous habits

These are eleven good ones to consider if you are experiencing a stressful episode or not. If you are experiencing any one of these symptoms, you may want to apply the following methods to overcome stress. 

What to do when we're stressed
Go for a nice run at the park
* Make or order some delectable foods
* Get a massage
* Work in a garden
* Pet a dog or a cat
* Take a nice warm bath
* Sing your favorite song
* Smell fresh flowers
* Go shopping
* Find some silly jokes to laugh at
* Do some stretches (yoga)
* Eat dark chocolate
* Travel
* Take a swim
* Take a look at some old pictures of happy times
* Meditate
* Pray
* Volunteer in the community

Adhering to these 18 things to do when you're stressed will definitely take the edge off and put you in a more positive state of reduced stress levels to manage the rest of your life. Don't let stress take you down, fight back and prevent possible stress effects and live a more healthy and productive life. Thank you for reading and be a complete you!
