High Polluted Areas are Causing High Blood Pressure in Children (Be Careful)

We are specifically referring to children between the ages of 3-9 who were affected by high air polluted areas while residing in the wombs of their mothers. The risk of experiencing high blood pressure during childhood, due to high level exposure to air pollution during the time of maturing in the womb, is a factual matter. Can you believe it?  A study conducted in Boston, in recent years, of over 1,293 mothers, revealed this claim to be absolutely true.  Based on air pollutant PM 2.5, if a baby is exposed to high levels of such pollutant, when they are tested during their doctor follow ups, between the age of 3 and 9, they are revealed to have higher levels of blood pressure than the norm. This is definitely a matter to stress, a matter to take seriously and a matter to contest. Vote and fight for more air quality control in areas that are high of air pollution, for our children's sake, as air pollution can also lead to premature deaths as well.

The following are the most common air pollutants that causes high blood pressure in cities of the U.S.:
* Sulfur dioxide
* Nitrogen oxide
* And our guest of honor - Particular matter (PM). Pm 2.5 is the most common.

You will find many of these type of pollutants in high polluted cities of the U.S.

Below are the top 10 areas that contains the highest levels of air pollution:
10) Oakland, Ca
9) Cleveland, Oh
8) Pitsburgh, Pa
7) El Centro, Ca
6) Modesto-Merced, Ca
5) Fresno-Mandero, Ca
4) Los Angeles-Long Beach, Ca
3) Bakesfield, Ca
2) Visalia-Porterville-Hanford, Ca
1) Fairbanks, Ak

Thank you for visiting and I hope you have a great day! Oh to answer your question as to how air pollution causes high blood pressure, it is due to the plaque that it causes in the blood vessels.

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